Take 60 Seconds To Oppose Governor Cuomo’s Ridiculous New Law Depriving Malpractice Victims Of Their Rights.


If you haven’t reached out to your representative to oppose Governon Cuomo’s Proposal #131 to cap damages in medical malpractice cases, follow this link for the 60 second way for sending an e-mail to your legislator.

Proposal #131 would impose a $250k cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice actions and take away the rights of neurologically impaired children to sue for their injuries. Proposal #131 has already been accepted by Governor Cuomo for inclusion in his Executive Budget and its passage now rests with the NYS legislature.

If you have a moment, please take 60 seconds to send an e-mail to your legislator to tell him/her that you are STRONGLY OPPOSED to Medical Malpractice Proposal 131 currently included in the Executive Budget.
