Three Important Tips To Hiring A Medical Malpractice Lawyer


Hiring a lawyer is a big deal.  For most people, it is the first time they will ever contact a lawyer, and usually the only time.  Hiring a lawyer can even be stressful, especially when the lawyer is needed to discuss personal injuries such as those from medical malpractice.  It can even be overwhelming as there are many different types of lawyers and so many lawyers who all claim to do the same thing.

So who do you hire?

How can you narrow the field?

What should you consider?

Well there are three important points to consider when hiring a medical malpractice lawyer in New York.  This includes the following:

1) A good lawyer won’t make you pay upfront.  If you meet a medical malpractice lawyer, in fact any personal injury lawyer, if they ask you to pay money upfront STAY AWAY.  This means one of three things; 1) they are cheap and want you to front your case which means they will skimp on paying expenses for your case to build you claims; 2) they don’t know what they are doing, or 3) they don’t fully believe your case and want a no-risk hack at your case.  A good personal injury lawyer will ONLY charge you if they win or settle your case!  NEVER pay a personal injury lawyer upfront—just leave!

2) You schedule an appointment and you actually meet with the lawyer, and on time! If you schedule an appointment to meet with the lawyer and meet with a non-lawyer such as a paralegal or secretary, just leave—unless there is an emergency for the lawyer, that is.  If you make an appointment and the law firm agrees, that is a little contract and reassurance that you will see the lawyer.  When you don’t and you are a prospective business—meaning the lawyer is trying to get your business—that is a bad sign; what will the lawyer do when you sign the retainer?!  If you are also a prospective client and only meeting with staff, that is a horrible impression.  Stay away!

3) The lawyer can answer almost all of your questions, almost always off the top of his or her head too.  If you meet with a lawyer and they say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” to answer a lot of your legal questions, just leave.  Either the lawyer does not know or the lawyer is inexperienced.  Either or, this is a bad sign.  If the lawyer has to look up almost everything that you ask in a book, that is great that the lawyer can find you answers—but you need a lawyer who knows the answers.  Sure, a lawyer will not know ALL of the questions you have.  But if the lawyer is looking up EVERY question you are asking, just go—he or she does not know!
