Could Facial Injuries to a Newborn Baby Be New York Medical Malpractice?

Birth Injury

Yes, facial injuries to a newborn baby could be due to New York medical malpractice.  This is because facial injuries could be the result of improper extraction, poor planning, failing to monitor the labor and delivery process, or even post-birth care and treatment which is improper.  These factors should be assessed by an Albany medical malpractice lawyer because facial injuries could cause nerve damage to the face and head (cranial nerves).

For instance, facial injuries could be due to improper use of tools.  Tools such as forceps could scratch, cut, and abrade a baby’s face.  Vacuum extractions can literally rip the soft, facial flesh off a baby and also cause other serious injuries.  Even just the use of hands to pull at a baby stuck in the birth canal could cause facial injuries.  These are all likely to be New York medical malpractice.

Injuries relating to poor planning and failing to monitor the labor and delivery process could also result in facial injuries to a newborn.  This is because injuries to the face from excessive contractions could damage the small, vulnerable cranial nerves in the face.

Post-birth care and treatment could also result in serious injury to a baby’s face. This includes using tools to clear the baby’s eyes, mouth, nose, and ears improperly.  Or using clothes or other towels to wipe a baby could also be the cause of serious injury resulting in abrasions.  This can become infected and even scar.

If a baby has suffered facial injuries, it is important to check with an Albany medical malpractice lawyer to investigate whether facial injuries could be caused by New York medical malpractice.  This could provide compensation for a family and the victim to help pay for disability, scarring, or other injury.

But what do you think?  I would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment or I also welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882 or you can drop me an e-mail at  You are always welcome to request my FREE book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, at the home page of my website at
