How Can You Use A Traumatic Brain Injury (“TBI”)Waiver To Get Special Services And Support For A Brain Injured Adult In Kingston, New York?

The Traumatic Brain Injury (“TBI”) waiver uses Medicaid funding to provide services to help individuals with a traumatic brain injury toward successful inclusion in the community. TBI waivers have grown nationally to “rebalance” long-term care services from institutional care to care in the communities. Until 1981, comprehensive long-term care services through Medicaid were available only in institutional settings, i.e., a nursing home.

In TBI waiver programs, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) waives key income and resource requirements that apply to Medicaid “state plan” services. The waiver of the financial eligibility requirements allows states to include individuals who would normally not meet Medicaid’s income/resource guidelines.

The TBI waiver allows persons with a traumatic brain injury aged 18-64 and meet the nursing facility level of care to remain living at home and in the community. The TBI waiver provides a cost-effective community-based alternative to nursing facility care.

The New York TBI Program is divided into 12 regional centers. The TBI waiver is administered through a network of Regional Resource Development Centers, each covering specific counties in the state. The contact person at hte Regional Resource Development Center is the Regional Resource Development Specialist.

What you can do if you have questions about the TBI Waiver

If you have questions or want more information about the TBI Waiver, I welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882. You are always welcome to request a FREE copy of my book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, by sending me your name and address to my e-mail address at .