Heart attacks are a common killer in America. For some, heart attacks are unpredictable and strike like a robber in the night. But for others, they are a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. The key to preventing heart attacks is determining whether you are the ticking time bomb that can explode at any time. Heart studies, such as an EKG, echocardiogram, and a nuclear stress test, are great ways to check the function of your heart. However, the best way to check for your risk of a heart attack is often based on your history of chest pain. When determining whether you may be at risk for a heart attack a doctor should take all of these various factors into account. When these things are not considered or are misdiagnosed, leading to medical issues, a heart attack misdiagnosis lawyer should be consulted to hold the negligent party responsible. To get started or discuss the legal options that may be available to you, call our medical malpractice lawyers today.

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

A dangerous history of unexpected and unpredictable chest pain is called unstable angina. When you have chest pain or heaviness that is unpredictable and occurs at rest or moderate physical activity, you have unstable angina. You are a ticking time bomb. With unstable angina, you must go to the ER immediately for an evaluation. The doctors at the hospital can give you medicine that will immediately relieve the pressure on your heart and dramatically lower your risk of a heart attack. If this condition is not treated or treated improperly a heart attack misdiagnosis lawyer should be contacted.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Heart attacks do not always happen suddenly—many are preceded by warning signs that, if properly addressed, could prevent a life-threatening event. Early intervention is key in reducing heart attack risk, yet many patients are dismissed or misdiagnosed when they seek medical attention for symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or fatigue. These subtle signs, especially when combined with risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease, should prompt immediate medical evaluation.

If a doctor fails to take early warning signs seriously and does not order appropriate tests or referrals to a cardiologist, they may be putting a patient at unnecessary risk. Failure to act in a timely manner can result in devastating consequences. If you or a loved one experienced a misdiagnosed or ignored heart attack warning, you may have legal options. Speak with a heart attack misdiagnosis lawyer to understand your rights and hold the responsible party accountable.

Heart Attack Testing

An EKG is a good screening test as the first step in an evaluation of your heart. The EKG can tell you whether you have cardiac ischemia (lack of blood flow to the heart) or whether you suffered a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction). If the EKG shows abnormal heart rhythm, the next step is a transthoracic echocardiogram and a nuclear stress test. These tests will provide precise information about the function of your heart, such as the ability of your heart to pump blood (the “ejection fraction”).

If these tests show blockages of the arteries leading to your heart, a cardiac catheterization can be done to confirm the blockage. An occlusion, or blockage, of the arteries leading to your heart is the most common cause of a heart attack. An operation to remove the plaque blocking your coronary artery can save your life. The diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease is crucial to preventing a heart attack. If a doctor does not follow proper protocol, please speak with a heart attack misdiagnosis lawyer.

Keep in mind, the medical specialist trained to treat your heart is a cardiologist. If you have a heart disorder, you should be treated by a cardiologist, not a primary care physician. Many primary care physicians treat heart disorders, but your best bet is always with a cardiologist.

Consult With a Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Attorney

When a heart attack is misdiagnosed, the repercussions can be extremely serious and lead to any number of health complications or even death. With this in mind, if you or a loved one has been negatively impacted it is important you hold the negligent party responsible for their actions and consult with a heart attack misdiagnosis attorney.

Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Lawyer