Our Philosophy: We Are Not Everyone’s Lawyer And We Don’t Want To Be

My philosophy is simple: We are not everyone’s lawyer and we don’t want to be.

The TV law firms advertise for every case they can get. The TV law firms represent hundreds, if not thousands, of injury victims with cases ranging from minor cuts and lacerations from a dog bite to a broken finger from a slip and fall on a sidewalk. The personal injury cases are often handled by paralegals or former insurance claims adjusters and the large majority of the cases are settled without the filing of a lawsuit for relatively small sums of money. The TV law firms must have a quick turn-over of their cases in large part to pay for their advertising expenses and their cases often settle for a fraction of their true value.

My philosophy is very different. We are extremely selective concerning the cases that we accept. Over 95% of new clients are rejected based on the initial telephone call, and there is a very high rejection rate even for those new clients who get beyond the first phone call. Unlike the TV law firms, we do not want to be everyone’s lawyer. By hand-picking the best cases with serious injuries, we dedicate our time and resources to a select group of clients. By focusing on a few select cases, rather than hundreds or thousands of cases, we are able to maximize the recovery for our clients. This is our goal for every case.