What Happens To The Money That I Recover?

In the vast majority of cases, person who suddenly receive a substantial sum on money, do the exact the same thing: they go on a spending spree and have nothing within a year, give or take a few months. Of course, no one thinks this will happen to them. How many times have I heard, “I’m not that kind of person”, or “That won’t happen to me.” Well, guess again, it will happen to you.

Many lawyers will simply hand you a check when your case is over and send you on your way. This is a gross disservice to you in most cases. Of course, the money belongs to you and you are the only person who can decide how and when the money is invested or spent.

My goal for my clients is very simple. It can be defined with three words: PRESERVATION OF CAPITAL. My job is to make sure that my clients hold onto their money and have the benefits of their settlement over the course of their lifetime. This is especially important for disabled clients, who will need a steady stream of income to pay for household expenses, spending money, medical bills, and surgeries.

For 99% of clients, it is not enough to simply place their funds in a saving account at a bank. The temptation is to go take that dream vacation to Jamaica, or to purchase the new Mercedes-Benz. The funds must be secured where they are safe from creditors, but more importantly, safe from the temptation of clients to spend it unwisely.

The answer for many of my clients is a structured settlement that places the funds in a long-term trust or annuity that will provide a stream of monthly income as long as the disabled client is alive. Such funds are not subject to fluctuations in the stock market and will provide an assurance that he will never run out of money. A structured settlement with a trust or annuity is the safest and best way to ensure that my clients go to bed at night knowing that their funds will not be gone tomorrow.
