Cerebral Palsy And New York Birth Injuries: A Very Costly Mistake By A Negligent Healthcare Provider
Birth InjuryThere are many different types of medical malpractice such as surgical errors, medication errors, and failing to diagnose. But no such type is possible worse then a birth injury. These are injuries to the most vulnerable members of society—babies. Some injuries can be caused before birth, while many are caused during the birthing process known as labor and delivery. One of the worst health problems caused by a New York medical malpractice birth injury is cerebral palsy.
Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by a lack of oxygen to the infant’s brain during the labor and delivery process. It is a neurological disorder which hinders body movement, muscle coordination, and commonly results in serious cognitive functioning issues. Cerebral palsy is permanent, irreversible, incurable, and incredibly debilitating to the victim and the entire family.
During the labor and delivery process, there are many possible causes of cerebral palsy. Most of these are caused by preventable medical errors. The common causes include the following:
Failing to detect a ruptured or prolapsed umbilical cord;
Failing to properly monitor the fetal heart rate during labor and delivery for signs of stress;
Failure to manage contractions properly which cause lack of oxygen;
Failure to recognize an umbilical cord wrapping around the infant’s neck during birth;
Improperly inducing labor prior to complete dilation of the cervix;
Negligently using extraction tools such as forceps or a vacuum pull on the infant’s head;
Delaying a necessary c-section when the baby is in distress or too large to safely pass through the birth canal;
Failing to detect and treat a mother’s health conditions which could effect the infant such as meningitis;
Administrating labor inducing drugs too early;
Failing to detect, diagnose, and treat bleeding;
Negligently advising the mother to begin pushing prior to complete cervical dilation; and
Many other serious and negligence actions or omissions.
When a negligent healthcare provider causes an innocent baby to be born with this serious health consequence, that negligent healthcare provider should be liable for medical malpractice and held accountable for ruining the baby—and entire family’s—life. These are serious mistakes and require serious attention.
But what do you think? I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment or I also welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882 or you can drop me an e-mail at jfisher@fishermalpracticelaw.com. You are always welcome to request my FREE book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, at the home page of my website at www.protectingpatientrights.com.