Common Mistakes By Dentists

Dental Malpractice

Dentists, like every other medical professional, have to make sure that their services fall within the standards set for every other dentist in the community.  The type of care given to dental patients by competent dentists in a set geographic area is the type of care you should receive from your dentist.  If your dentist strays from that, and you are injured while receiving dental care, your dentist has probably committed malpractice.

The experienced Kingston dental malpractice attorney has seen many instances of dental malpractice.  Mistakes made by dentists are not limited to those professionals new to the practice of oral care.  Even very experienced dentists make mistakes.

While roughly thirteen percent of all malpractice claims are against dentists, it is not unfair to say that many more instances of dental malpractice exist that go unreported.  This is because many people are hesitant to sue.  Additionally, dentists can move quickly to convince the injured patient to return to the office and have the mistake fixed.  Often this is done at no cost to the patient.  Patients have the botched dental work repaired and they are on their way, so they figure they have no need to sue.  Patients should not be so quick to dismiss the viability of civil compensation.

While the mistake may have been repaired, the patient has had more problems caused by the dentist’s negligence.  For example, the patient most likely suffered prolonged pain and suffering as a result of the mistake.  More pain and suffering was most likely endured during and after the second procedure; a procedure that would not have been needed if the dentist did not mess up in the first place.

Let us talk about time lost from work.  Many people are paid by the hour and are not paid if they don’t work.  Losing wages due to a dentist’s negligence is something that the injured patient should be compensated for.

Here is a list of common mistakes made by dentists; mistakes that would merit a patient’s decision to contact an experienced dental malpractice attorney.

  • Failure to diagnose a dental condition.
  • Misdiagnosis of a dental condition.
  • Extracting teeth that did not need extraction.
  • Administering anesthesia negligently.
  • Infections caused by dirty dental equipment and negligent care.
  • Mistakes performing root canal procedures.

Suing your negligent dentist will certainly help you handle the wrongs that were done to you.  However, there is more that you can do.  In addition to holding the negligent dentist liable in a court of law, you can also make a complaint with New York State Dentistry Board.

The New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions accepts complaints about many types of professionals.  They will investigate the allegation and determine if professional sanctions, such are license suspension or revocation, are appropriate.

But what do you think?  I would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment or I also welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882 or you can drop me an e-mail at  You are always welcome to request my FREE book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, at the home page of my website at
