Medical Malpractice Cap Proposed And Approved By House Committee: Patient’s Rights Are Slipping Away!


Another attempt to quash the rights of patients is circulating Washington D.C. New legislation which has been approved by a house committee would make it harder for patients to come after their money. It would mean less money for patients and victims of medical malpractice to recover. It would mean less money for families of a killed patient to carry on with their lives and cover the costs of the loss of their loved one.

Some states already have these medical malpractice caps, and they are horrible. This isn’t because my practice is focused around medical malpractice. This is because my firm has seen the damage and devastation of REAL victims of medical malpractice. The damages affecting an entire family. The loss of a loved one. Infants who never had a fair chance. Spouses who go home to no one know. All because of horrific medical malpractice.

And it is that point that has some opposing the new legislation calling it improvident. The sponsors of the legislation are claimed to have no medical malpractice experience and to know really know how malpractice victims suffer, all the while just protecting the economic interests of health care providers.

Not only does this new legislation cap the non-economic damages, which are pain and suffering, but the new legislation would give immunity to drug and medication companies in cases which victims were harmed by FDA-approved drugs and prescriptions. This is another flawed logic where some drugs and prescriptions still cause massive complications not discovered, or even complicated coming from improperly mixed or compounded drugs. How can they NOT be liable?!

To learn more about this new legislation coming down the pipeline, you can read this news article available by clicking here. Think it is improper? Call your representatives TODAY! Shouldn’t negligent healthcare providers be liable for their errors to the full extent of the law? Not to a cap? OF COURSE!

But what do you think? I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment or I also welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882 or you can drop me an e-mail at You are always welcome to request my FREE book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, at the home page of my website at
