MRSA Infections Are No Joke: They Are Very Dangerous And Deadly
HospitalsPeople go to the hospital when they are ill or injured to get well. Most people do not expect to contract a life threatening illness during their stay. However, hospitals may be one of the most hazardous places for a person’s health. It is not uncommon for a person to contract an infection while at the hospital. Infections contracted in hospitals are the fourth leading cause of death for people in the United States.
One such infection is MRSA, which is a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics and is therefore very dangerous to patients should they contract it in a hospital. In most cases however MRSA infections can be prevented. This type of infection can be prevented by:
- Rigorous hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol gel.
- Wearing gloves prior to touching patients, especially before putting a tube or needle in the patient’s body.
- Screening new patients with a swab and isolating patients who carry germs that are drug resistant in special rooms.
- Change uniforms every shift. If there is any contact with infected patients or patients who carry the bacteria but not infected, change new gowns or disposable plastic aprons.
- Using disposable equipment for anything that may come in contact with multiple patients.
- Clean all surfaces in patient rooms that a patient or staff member might come in contact with.
- Administering antibiotics one to two hours prior to any incision is made on a surgical patient.
Unfortunately these practices have not always been adopted in hospitals. Therefore the likelihood of contracting an illness in such hospitals is higher than if they had been adopted. If you or a loved one has contracted MRSA during a stay in a hospital what does not follow rigorous sanitary practices, contact an experienced Kingston, New York medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible to evaluate your case.
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