Causing Of Operating Table Errors Resulting In New York Medical Malpractice And Wrongful Death
Hospitals, SurgeryThere are many types of New York medical malpractice, and one of the most thought about and associated claims for medical malpractice is surgical errors. Surgery creates an innate fear in all of us, causing us to worry about the procedure we are about to undergo and everything that could possibly go wrong. The operating room is a scary place, even when things go perfectly right.
But sometimes they do not go perfectly right. In fact, they can go absolutely wrong and result in serious personal injuries. The operating table is a very busy place for any healthcare professional, and can result in serious personal injuries when errors are made. There are several different types of operating table errors which can be the result of medical malpractice, which include the following:
Communication Errors – when the surgery staff makes mistakes, it can result in serious personal injuries to the patient. This can be between the surgical team and the anesthesia team, or between the nursing staff the the surgical team, or even with the pharmacy staff. Communication errors are the MOST common cause of medical malpractice and results in very serious injuries.
Surgical Mistakes – this is when the surgeon actually makes a mistake, such as breaking a tool, slipping with the knife, causing burns, or failing at the procedure.
Foreign objects – when a foreign object is left inside of a patient, it can result in very serious personal injuries because of infection. A foreign object could be a tool or it could be a sponge, and is always a problem.
Prescription errors – when a prescribed medication is either mixed up, improperly made, or contraindicated, it can result in very serious injury and even death to a patient. There could also be serious drug interactions or dosing errors which can quickly cause a patient to die.
Anesthesia errors – anesthesia is a very serious cocktail of drugs meant to paralyze you and knock you unconscious to not feel any pain. This is a very powerful and obviously dangerous combination. When an overdose occurs, it can quickly result in a patient’s death or destruction to a patient’s peripheral nervous system.
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