Reader Request To Share: Take A Look At This Petition Regarding Patient Modesty Issues And Gender Requests


In addition to educating my readers, sharing practice stories, and hoping to reach more prospective clients who may need assistance with a New York medical malpractice issue, another major purpose is to interact with readers and help them as well. A few weeks ago I got a request for birth injury posts, and I posted about it for a week. Yesterday I got a request for assistance with this petition, and I will of course help deliver.

In fact, this is more than a petition—this is an incredibly important issue which has been gaining momentum. The petition is available by clicking on this sentence, and I ask that everyone to at least visit this page and see what it is about; I would hope you consider signing it as well.

The petition deals with Patient Modesty and Gender Requests. It is exactly what it sounds likes—where a patient of one gender seeks to be evaluated by a member of the same gender for specific procedures, particularly where nudity or genitals are exposed. The idea is to help ease the level of anxiety felt by a patient because this is something we are actually able to control in health care; who evaluates you.

Not only does this issue deal with anxiety of a patient, but it also may have other, more admirable reasons. For example, many individuals feel they should only share certain parts of their body with their spouse. By essentially forcing a patient to expose himself or herself to a health care provider of a different gender, this causes individuals problems with intimacy.

Don’t think this is a big problem? Visit this website by clicking on this sentence to read first hand accounts of patient modest violations. In addition, visit this Patient Modest organization to learn more about their work and some of the articles, posts, and information they have available.

See, this petition is to increase awareness of patient modesty and gender requests. It is an excellent cause that I hope many of you further investigate. Even if you do not sign—and I am by no means forcing anyone to sign. But I am hoping that everyone has learned something new from this post and will further investigate this great cause from the links provided here and in the petition.

But what do you think? I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment or I also welcome your phone call on my toll-free cell at 1-866-889-6882 or you can drop me an e-mail at . You are always welcome to request my FREE book, The Seven Deadly Mistakes of Malpractice Victims, at the home page of my website at
