Slipknot Bassist Died After Drug Overdose; Physician Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter

Medical Malpractice Mistakes

New York medical malpractice cases are civil affairs. Meaning, one party is suing another party without the state’s involvement, for compensation as opposed to imprisonment, and with a whole different set of procedural rules and limitations on the trial. However, sometimes a New York medical malpractice case can become a criminal affair. This happens when a doctor’s conduct reaches extreme bounds by violating applicable laws which are in effect to protect you from harm.

In this tragic situation, Dr. Daniel Baldi may have violated these laws not just once, but multiple times. Unfortunately, his conduct is now just coming to head and other individuals may have died as a result of his conduct.

Bassist of Slipknot died of an overdose of narcotics back in 2010. Paul Gray, 38, was found dead in an Iowa hotel room and an autopsy report found he had fatal levels of morphine and fentanyl in his blood. Dr. Baldi, who works in a pain clinic, is alleged to have written prescriptions for that fatal cocktail of narcotics—even though he knew that the bassist was addicted to such drugs. After the deaths of seven other patients, Iowa officials have now brought involuntary manslaughter charges against Dr. Baldi in which he has plead not guilty to all charges. In the past, Dr. Baldi has been sued four times in which three were wrongful death cases.

Factually, this case appears to be similar to Dr. Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson’s death. But what is significantly more upsetting here is that Dr. Baldi is no stranger to litigation. He has been sued numerous times because and he was still practicing. Even worse is the fact that Mr. Gray died in 2012 and Dr. Baldi is just being charged now and was still practicing medicine! While the state is certainly within the statute of limitations to bring such a claim against Dr. Baldi, dangerous doctors like this MUST be prevented from causing future harm!

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