Times Union Publishes Moving Letter From Local Nursing Home Resident

Nursing Home Negligence

I wanted to take the time today to draw attention to a letter published in Tuesday’s Times Union. Entitled “Nursing Home Must Stay Open” and written by Albany County Nursing Home resident, Donna Lynn Mosley-Simpson, it contains a passionate plea to keep the nursing home open.

County Executive Mike Breslin has been advocating for the nursing home’s closure without any plan to building a new one to replace it. He has stated that the nursing home is too costly and that the County would save millions if it was to be closed.

Although Mosley-Simpson applied to a large number of local nursing homes, Albany County was the only nursing home that would accept her. She fears that closing the nursing home would mean that she and other residents would be unable to find another nursing home locally and they will be unable to see their family and friends. Mosley-Simpson stated that moving would mean that she would be unable to see her three sons frequently and that although Albany County Nursing Home is old and needs repairs, the staffing is “excellent”.

In her letter, she also stated that she believes that the care at other facility she would be moved to would be subordinate to the care that she is receiving now at Albany County. Furthermore, she argued, as the capital of New York, Albany should have its own nursing home. Mosley-Simpson urged readers to write to the County Legislature and ask to keep the nursing home open.

I agree with Mosley-Simpson that Albany should have a county nursing home. I think that if Breslin wants to close Albany County Nursing Home because of the condition of the building, he should also advocate for it to be rebuilt. If Albany County closes, residents like Mosley-Simpson may have to move far away from their family and friends and leave the area that they have come to know and love. There are very few beds available for these residents in Albany if moved and closing the nursing home could mean that these residents might even have to move to other states. I want to thank Mosley-Simpson for writing such a heartfelt and touching letter and I hope that the County Legislature takes note of her request. A copy of her letter can be found at this web address:

