A common premise for a medical malpractice lawsuit could be that a physician did not do something that they were supposed to do. Physicians could be found at fault for their negligence Liability in Hudson Valley misdiagnosis cases could begin and end with an evaluation of this, which is also could be called the standard of care. This refers to whether the physician complied with the standard of care or deviated from the standard of care. If there was a deviation, it is important to assess whether it may have caused harm to a patient.

By contacting a skilled medical misdiagnosis attorney, you could learn more about the process of finding a doctor liable for medical malpractice. Contact a capable medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible to begin building your case.

Prescription Errors Versus Procedural Errors

Liability in Hudson Valley misdiagnosis cases could change between cases depending on the type of error found to be present. In many medical malpractice suits, certain issues involving procedural errors and those involving prescription errors could be found to be a factor in mistreating the patient. A prescription error could be described as an instance when a doctor allegedly commits one of three errors:

  • The physician gave too much medication
  • The physician gave the wrong medication
  • The frequency of medication was not appropriate

A procedural error could be defined as a protocol error in the process of caring for a patient. An example of this may be a patient going to the hospital and claims to be suicidal. Under those circumstances, the patient could be given a suicide risk assessment in which they are asked a number of questions in different categories to determine their level of risk for suicide. They also could be seen by a psychiatrist or a mental health professional.

Procedural Errors in a Medical Malpractice Case

An example of a procedural error could be that a patient has a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, which is an irregular rhythm of the heart. For this condition, patients could be given a medication called anti-coagulation or blood thinners. Part of the responsibility of a cardiologist or primary care doctor is to monitor the patient’s blood levels through a test called the international normalized ratio, or INR, which checks the thinness of the blood.

If the blood is too thin, there is a risk that, by giving the blood thinner, it could cause hemorrhaging in the brain or other parts of the body. It is very important for the doctor to monitor the INR levels. If the doctor does not do this properly and prescribes the wrong amount of blood thinners, that would be an example not just of a prescription error but a failure of the physician to monitor their patient properly. This error could be used to prove liability in Hudson Valley misdiagnosis cases.

Contacting a Hudson Valley Medical Attorney

Misdiagnosis of medical issues could be a life or death situation. A Hudson Valley medical misdiagnosis attorney may know a suitable way to address this issue and get you what you deserve. Start building your case by contacting a compassionate medical malpractice lawyer at your earliest convenience. Work with an attorney that has experience proving liability in Hudson Valley misdiagnosis cases.

Hudson Valley Medical Misdiagnosis Lawyer