Preeclampsia is a form of hypertension that is induced by pregnancy. This condition has the potential to cause serious health issues for mother and child alike. While it can be treated, unresolved preeclampsia could result in fatal complications.

When the doctors and nurses tasked with caring for a pregnant woman fail to screen for signs of preeclampsia, the outcome can be devastating. It could be possible for you to hold a negligent medical professional accountable in these situations with the help of a compassionate birth injury attorney. A Poughkeepsie preeclampsia lawyer could assist you with pursuing justice following this type of medical error.

What is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that is one of the leading causes of death among pregnant women and infants. It is a common issue that affects countless pregnant women each year.

Preeclampsia can lead to numerous complications. These complications include conditions like placental abruption, the lack of blood flow to the placenta, and eclampsia. Any of these conditions could lead to dangerous results for a mother and/or infant.

Signs of Preeclampsia

One of the key ways that medical professionals can detect the presence of preeclampsia is through watching for symptoms of this serious condition. There are several different conditions that could be a sign of preeclampsia, and doctors should take all of them seriously. The duty to watch for these symptoms is especially high in cases involving mothers who are at high risk for developing this condition. High-risk mothers include first-time mothers, women over the age of 40, and women with diabetes, among other factors. The symptoms that a doctor should watch for include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Nausea
  • Excessive levels of protein in the urine
  • Swollen face
  • Swollen hands

It is vital that medical professionals are familiar with the signs of preeclampsia. As soon as these symptoms are noticeable, the medical staff should immediately take steps to reduce the risk facing the child or the mother. When a doctor fails to do so, a Poughkeepsie preeclampsia attorney could hold them accountable through a civil lawsuit.

The Basis for a Preeclampsia Lawsuit

The doctors and other medical professionals who oversee a mother during the course of her pregnancy have a duty to provide adequate care. Every doctor is held to a minimum standard of basic care and the failure to meet this standard could result in a viable malpractice claim.

When doctors fail to take reasonable steps that would have led to a preeclampsia diagnosis, they violate the duty they owe to their patients. If this failure results in medical consequences for the mother or the baby, they could be civilly liable for any hardship that occurs.

A Poughkeepsie preeclampsia attorney could help a parent pursue a case for financial compensation after their doctor failed to diagnose preeclampsia in a reasonable amount of time. The same is true if the diagnosis occurred but was never followed up on. These claims often result in substantial compensation, given the severity of this condition.

Contact a Poughkeepsie Preeclampsia Attorney for Your Next Steps

Preeclampsia is a serious medical issue that should be addressed as soon as it is detected. When doctors and other medical professionals miss the signs of this condition, the consequences could be severe for mother and child. You have the right to hire legal counsel to guide you during your civil lawsuit. For quality advice and steadfast support, reach out to a Poughkeepsie preeclampsia lawyer today.
